Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Critical Thinking

A lighting FX from the end of the play

I like this Facebook message from the arts critic Christina Kennedy. Not just because it is insightful, intelligent, positive and supportive, but also because it gives me a fresh perspective on the work itself.

It all adds to what I learned in college about 'the authorial fallacy' - you think you've written one thing and every single co-collaborator - audience especially - will find their own interpretation, their own spin, their own way into the story you've created.

It's all about context.

Check it out...
Dear Jenine, Nick and James... I so wanted to post something while in Grahamstown but it was so hectic that I had no choice but to go temporarily AWOL from Facebook.

I just wanted to belatedly congratulate all of you for crafting the funniest, most enriching and most rewarding show I saw at festival this year.

The piece is so beautifully and colourfully written, and James is nothing short of magnificent. I left the Hangar grinning like a lunatic, and spreading the "gospel" of Sunday Morning like some demented cult member! Can't wait to see it again in Jozi very soon.

Well done to all of you for creating a superbly entertaining piece. It was such a tonic being able to laugh at this incredible "little big" story after seeing so many heavy-going shows about race, colonialism, etc.

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